ARTICLE 1 Seller Information

ARTICLE 2 Buyer Information

Name/Surname/Title: {DELIVERY}
3.1 This Distance Sales Agreement ("Agreement") is based on Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and Article 27 regarding the sale and delivery of the products () made by the Buyer, whose detailed information is provided above, through the www.mformulations.com website operated by the Seller. It regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Distance Contracts published in the Official Gazette No. 29188 dated November 2014.
3.2 The Buyer acknowledges that he/she is informed about the basic characteristics of the goods or services subject to sale, the sales price, payment method, delivery conditions and all preliminary information regarding the goods or services subject to sale and the right of "withdrawal", confirms this preliminary information electronically and then accepts the goods or services subject to sale. or services are ordered in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The ("Preliminary Information Form") on the payment page of www.mformulations.com is an integral part of this agreement.
This Agreement is available at www.www.buyer.com after the Buyer confirms that he has read the information in the Preliminary Information Form. It was established on {DATE} upon completion of the order via the mformulations.com.tr website and entered into force on the same date. A copy of the Agreement has been sent to the Buyer's email address.
The prices stated in Article 6.1 are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
6.1 The details of the Products ordered by the Buyer, their cash sales amounts, including taxes, their quantities and information are stated below.
Date: {DATE}

The type and type, quantity, brand/model color and sales price of the products are as stated above.
Payment method: {ODEMETIP}
Delivery address: {DELIVERYADDRESS}

6.2 Shipping Fee will be paid by the TL Buyer. The opportunities and opportunities provided by the Seller to the Buyer regarding the shipping fee are exceptional.
6.3 The Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will separately confirm the relevant interest rates and default interest-related information from his bank for purchases made by credit card in installments, and that the provisions regarding interest and default interest will be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the bank and the Buyer, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force. Credit cards, installment cards, etc. such as banks and financial institutions. Term/installment payment opportunities provided by issuing institutions are a loan and/or installment payment opportunity provided directly by the said institution; Sales of Products realized within this framework and for which the Seller has collected the price in full are not considered installment sales for the parties to this Agreement, but are cash sales.
7.1 The product is delivered to the delivery address specified by the Buyer or to the person/organization at the address specified, packaged and intact, together with the invoice, within 30 days from the order date at the latest.
7.2 If the product is to be delivered to another person/organization specified by the Buyer, the Seller cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery.
7.3 The Buyer is obliged to check the Product upon receipt and immediately notify the Seller of any defects he sees.
8.1 The Buyer accepts that he/she has read and become informed about the basic characteristics of the products displayed on the www.mformulations.com.tr website, the sales price and payment method and the preliminary information regarding delivery, and that he/she has given the necessary confirmation for the sale electronically.
8.2 By confirming this contract electronically, the Buyer confirms that he/she has obtained accurate and complete information regarding the address, basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, cargo / transportation fee, payment and delivery before the conclusion of distance contracts.
8.3 The Seller cannot be held responsible for the failure of the ordered product to be delivered to the Buyer due to any problems that the cargo company may encounter during the delivery of the product to the Buyer due to the fault of the cargo company itself.
8.4 The seller is responsible for delivering the product subject to the contract intact, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order and with warranty documents and user manuals, if any.
8.5 If it is understood that the contractual goods cannot be supplied for a justified reason before the contractual performance obligation expires, the Seller may supply a different product of equal quality and price by informing the Buyer and obtaining his written approval.
8.6 The Seller accepts that the Products areIf delivery becomes impossible, it immediately notifies the Buyer and refunds all payments collected, including delivery costs, if any, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of notification.
8.7 For the delivery of the Products, this Agreement must be confirmed electronically. If the Product price is not paid for any reason or is canceled in bank records, the Seller is deemed to be relieved of all other obligations arising from this contract, especially the obligation to deliver the Product.
8.8 If the Product price is not paid to the Seller for any reason, the Buyer shall return the Products to the Seller within 3 days at the latest after the Seller's notification, at its own expense. All other contractual and legal rights of the Seller, including tracking the receivables for the Product price, are reserved separately and in any case.
8.9 If the Product cannot be delivered within 30 days due to extraordinary circumstances (such as weather conditions, earthquake, flood, fire) other than normal sales conditions, the Seller will inform the Buyer regarding the delivery. In this case, the Buyer can cancel the order, order a similar product or wait until the end of the emergency. If the product price has been collected in case of order cancellations, it will be refunded to the Buyer within 14 days from the cancellation. For credit card payments, refunds are made to the Buyer's credit card.
9.1 In distance contracts for the sale of goods, the Buyer may exercise his right to withdraw from the contract by rejecting the goods within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the product to himself or to the person/organization at the address indicated, without assuming any legal or criminal liability and without giving any justification. In determining the period of right of withdrawal;
a) For goods that are subject to a single order and delivered separately, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the last good,
b) In case of goods consisting of more than one piece, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the last piece,
c) In contracts where regular delivery of goods is made for a certain period of time, the day when the consumer or the third party designated by the consumer receives the first goods is taken as basis.
9.2 The Buyer may notify the Seller of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days by registered mail, e-mail or Call Center Number to the Seller's address specified in Article 1. As of this notification, the Seller may contact the Buyer and arrange for the product to be collected from the Buyer. However; If the Seller does not make an offer to the Buyer in this regard, the Buyer must send the purchased product to the Seller's address specified in Article 1 within 10 (ten) days from the notification of withdrawal.
9.3 In order for refunds to be made, the relevant sections of the invoice sent to the Buyer and containing a return section must be filled in completely and sent to the Seller after signing.
9.4 The Products to be returned must be delivered with their box, packaging and standard accessories, if any.
9.5 The Seller is obliged to return to the Buyer the total price (the sum of all amounts paid by the Buyer to the Seller) and the documents that put the Buyer in debt within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal.
9.6 The shipping cost of the Products returned due to the right of withdrawal is covered by the Seller. After the Buyer exercises his right of withdrawal and notifies the Seller in this regard, the Product subject to sale will be picked up by the Seller by Yurtiçi Cargo, which is the Seller's contracted cargo. In this case, the Buyer will not have to pay the shipping cost. However; If the Buyer wants to return the product himself, he must send the product to the Seller with a counter payment via Yurtiçi Kargo, which is also the Seller's contracted cargo. Otherwise, the Buyer is responsible for paying the shipping cost. However; If Yurtiçi Kargo does not have a branch where the Buyer resides, the Seller cannot request a cargo fee from the Buyer.
9.7 The decrease in the value of the delivered goods or the existence of a reason that makes return impossible does not prevent the exercise of the right of withdrawal. However, if the decrease in value or the impossibility of return is due to the fault of the consumer, the Seller must compensate the value of the goods or the decrease in value. Changes and deteriorations that occur due to the normal use of the goods are not considered as decrease in value.
The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised by the Buyer in the following cases:
a) Contracts regarding goods prepared in line with the wishes or personal needs of the consumer.
b) Contracts for the delivery of goods that can quickly deteriorate or expire.
c) Goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; Contracts regarding the delivery of those whose return is not suitable in terms of health and hygiene.
d) Mixed with other products after delivery and

Contracts regarding goods that cannot be separated due to their nature.
e) Contracts regarding books, digital content and computer consumables presented in tangible form, provided that the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal and package have been opened after the delivery of the goods.
f) Contracts regarding the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, other than those provided within the scope of the subscription agreement.
g) Contracts regarding services performed instantly in electronic environment or intangible goods delivered instantly to the consumer.
h) Contracts regarding services whose performance begins with the approval of the consumer before the right of withdrawal expires.
The Buyer can forward all his suggestions and complaints regarding the goods or services subject to sale to the Seller through the Seller's Call Center Number and e-mail address specified in Article 1. The Seller aims to resolve the problem by examining all complaints and suggestions submitted by the Buyer within legal limits. All rights arising from the Law and relevant Regulations are reserved by the Parties.
ARTICLE 12 Competent Court
The seller may submit his complaints and objections to the consumer issues arbitration committee or consumer court in the place where he purchased the goods or services or where he resides, within the monetary limits determined by the Ministry of Customs and Industry in December every year.
ARTICLE 13 Other Provisions
The Buyer declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read all the conditions and explanations written in this Agreement and in the Preliminary Information Form, which forms an integral part, and has received, reviewed and accepted the sales conditions and all other preliminary information. Seller: M Formulations
If the order is placed, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the conditions of this contract.





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